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Handal Indah IT Team goes for PAJ Road Show Promotion

06 Apr 2016

Handal Indah IT Support Team took opportunity to promote JB Tourist Bus Pass, Bus Muafakat Johor, and ManjaLink Card during the 4th Year ManjaLink Anniversary Celebration held at Sanrio Hello Kitty Town and Thomas Town at Puteri Harbour.

The IT Support Team was composed of Fairuzz, Mahathir, Ong and Fikri. The team set up their ManjaLink, PAJ and JB Tourist Bus Pass information booth inside Hello Kitty Entrance area for easy visibility purposes.

According to Mohamad Ali Yusof, a ManjaLink users, “It is good that there is a road show for this ManjaLink and Bus Muafakat Johor in public. It really helped a lot especially for information dissemination”. He also toped up his ManjaLink Card on that day since he goes cross boarder using Causeway Link Singapore bus via the Second Link.

Handal Indah IT Team had also distributed flyers about the Bus Muafakat Johor from Perbadanan Pengangkutan Awam Johor (PAJ) during the event.

ManjaLink technology through the Research and Development IT Team of Handal Indah provided the Bus Ticketing System for PAJ’s Bas Muafakat Johor.

Bus Muafakat Johor free bus service started since 1st April 2016 with 15 available routes around Johor Bahru. ManjaLink technical team prepared the Muafakat Card and bus ticketing validator system of this free ride facility in Johor Bahru.